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Liberal Magical Thinking

After three (3) years of magical impeachment thinking the Democrats are about to realize their dream. They have drawn up Articles of Impeachment that don't include any of the crimes breathlessly identified by the 'whistleblower' and that they have been warbling about since the President signed off the phone call with the President of Ukraine. The Articles don't cite a campaign finance violation. There is nothing about quid pro quo. There is no charge of bribery. Their hearings were nothing more than a parade of my sister's boyfriend's brother knows a guy. They conducted hearings in secret. Refused Republican requests to call witnesses. Withheld evidence. Abrogated due process. Denied equal protection of the law.

If there is a trial in the Senate, their seditious behavior will be exposed and if the Democrats lose ... and I believe that they will ... the American electorate will punish them accordingly in 2020 by sending them home in disgrace. Stand by.

... or pirouette in a pink tutu if that's your thing.

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