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Raging Fire

Only in the no work and pay upside down liberal universe would a transfer retaining rank, compensation, and benefits constitute a "firing." But, you hate Trump and are short on things to complain about today so you'll run with the headline that he was "fired" … and that he was a "key" witness. Having watched his testimony … in his own words … his complaints of the President were grounded in "policy differences" not any illegal act that he could or did identify at the hearing. But, no one bothers to tell you that … and if they did … you wouldn't believe it anyway. Understand, breaking rank and expressing your contempt for your boss and his policy positions is a bad career move and makes you an appropriate transfer candidate from National Security Presidential advisory role. Objective, well meaning people would know and understand that.

But, not to unaccountable lifetime bureaucratic full employment porn surfing inside the beltway goose stepping liberals and confirmation bias-crack media cartel hate-whores strung out waiting for their next hit. Outrage always trumps facts, truth, sense and reason.

An American military officer Ukrainian émigré offered to head the Ukrainian military multiple times.

Hmmm … nothing to see there.

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