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Exhausted Patience

I’ll confess, I’m exhausted by the malignant political rage and social just-us mania of the left. People who have never listened to Rush Limbaugh, who have no understanding or appreciation of his personal and professional accomplishments or contribution to our culture, weighing in parroting the latest progressive racism talking points. It’s all at once difficult to take this crowd seriously and not be enraged by their devious nonsense. Liars, rape and political hoax perpetrators, cloaked in imagined victim-hood, vituperative slanderers spewing their social just-us venom over their shadow puppet enemies. The very same people that defend the child fondling, son and grand-daughter lip kissing, exhibitionist Secret Service skinny-dipping, foreign aid money laundering, ceremonial groping, gaffe speaking, tough guy talking, can’t remember where the hell he is … Joe Buyden.

Candidly, I reached my end point today when I read, heard and saw how Buyden had weighed in on the lack of “morality” in awarding Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The very same man who was part of the cash laden pallets to terrorists distributing Obama Administration that bestowed the very same honor on gay rights activist and profligate pedophile, Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk. Serial honoree who is featured on a United States commemorative stamp by the United States Postal Service … and honored with the naming of a Military Command Fleet Oiler by the United States Navy. Harvey fucking Milk. San Francisco politician and gay rights activist. Known to and by all who knew him as a very flawed man with an interest in and proclivity for the sexual exploitation of underage runaway … often drug addicted … boys.* It's the party of sexual predator deviants Weinstein, Esptein, Weiner, Clinton, Milk and Buyden … and their enablers and defenders.**

Tired of the ridiculous peek into hell know-nothing duplicity of progressives? I know I am. _________________ *"The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk", Randy Shilts. Shilts was a close friend and confidante of Milk's. I own and have read his biography of Harvey Milk. **The deviance I am referring to is sexual assault, rape and pedophilia, only. There are no homophobes, here.

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