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Delivering Results

Universal e-tailer, Amazon, is attempting block the implementation of voting by mail in an election where the central issue is the unionization of its workers at a warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that the election will occur exclusively by mail because of the dangers posed to Amazon’s employees by the CoVid pandemic. On January 21, 2021, Amazon sought relief from the NLRB ruling by filing a motion to stay the election until the vote can take place in person … with no mail in voting … maintaining that “[W]e believe that the best approach to a valid, fair and successful election is one that is conducted manually, in-person ... [We] will continue to insist on measures for a fair election, and we wasn’t everyone to vote, so our focus is ensuring that it’s possible.”

Do you remember the virulent response of liberals to the articulation of the same fairness principle cited here by Amazon? Liberals don’t have to worry about being called out on hypocrisy, unfairness, or stupidity. They have Big Tech and the Legacy Media Cartel as co-conspirators. #beingfrank #frankly #blueintheface #FMG



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