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Data Without Doctoring

Data Without Doctoring Dr. David Owen

The hospital bed situation holding its own with up to 41% availability in Dade, but with three at 0. Broward a bit tighter but capacity esp. out west is robust and PBC, no problem whatsoever with most large hospitals over 30% empty. Stable data for ICU but more full in Dade and Broward. If this is all we get with massive positive testing over the past month, then we are in excellent shape to continue to reopen in PBC.

Boy I'll tell ya, Florida is definitely very interesting (Colonel Klink voice). There is now a controversy on the non-reporting of negative covid tests. In my warped mind, I hope there are many more positive tests that haven't been reported, as this affects the death rates. Incidentally the rate is only down slightly in the state and Dade. It continues to plummet in Broward for some reason (no reported deaths for 3 days, go figure) and continues to fall consistently in PBC. Hospitalizations are basically stable and fine in PBC, perhaps sl. up in crowded Broward and only very sl. up in crowded Dade. All three counties have plenty of capacity when you look at the largest hospitals and only the very nervous hospital spokespersons and public health officials will start losing their cookies!! They'd be wrong to do so at this point. Estimated county involvement is now 17% in Dade, or 461890 people (and the MSM is freaking out over a mere 72317). Don't forget the lowest HI estimate I've seen is 20% (actually some have it lower than that but I don't believe them!!), so we edge closer. PBC has approx. 244011 people covid positive (or, over 10 times the published positive covid tests) also contributing to the media freak out.

I'd estimate we reach the minimum estimate of HI in PBC in 16.6 days, so hang in there. Broward remains fascinating with a plummeting death rate still. Given its almost full hospitalization we can hypothesize that HI exists for the originally infected population (NH/ALF) and that their hospitals are populated by the young. Or, as usual there could be reporting issues. If so, then expect a dramatic catch up and day now. _____

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