Frank Mulhall

Jan 18, 20201 min

We've Had Enough ...

For some time now, liberals have controlled the public discourse with a complicit cartel of news organizations and thought influencers that seek to silence their opposition through shaming, socio-economic tyranny and threats of physical violence. It’s entirely and intolerably out of hand. This has largely been accomplished through the emotional manipulation of the inflamed liberal body politic susceptible to far flung claims of urinating prostitutes, a Russian spy presidency, and all manner of ahistorical, contra-factual Hitlerian ‘hoaxery’. Convinced that the President and his supporters are all at once sub-humanly stupid and malevolently evil, the liberal torch and pitch fork toting mob, convinced of their economic, climatic, and social righteousness, act out in faux duty bound “authority” to punish the Orange Frankenstein and his unholy band of bolt action rifle toting, Bible clinging dissenters.

This noxious socio-political tyranny has been unabatedly tearing at the fabric of our society for some time, silencing the Conservative Majority and sending them into an exile from the public square. "Inter-friend-tion 2020" is a movement that seeks to fearlessly reintroduce and empower Conservatives to rejoin the conversation, assured by their safety in numbers majority status, and the rightness of Conservative ideas, values and priorities for a free, fearless, and thinking people.

Join us.